Web Dev Wisdom: Best Practices

Web Dev Wisdom: Best Practices

Welcome to Web Dev Wisdom!

If you've ever wondered about making websites without diving into confusing tech talk, you're in the right spot. This blog is your friendly GPS through the world of web development, keeping things simple and easy to understand.

Opening this series with "Best Practices" that I have come across while learning Web Development along with spending time with experienced developers. These practices are straightforward techniques that will make your web development endeavours smoother, more efficient, and ultimately, more successful. They are

Best Practices

1. Plan Like You're Going on a Road Trip:

Web development, like any journey, benefits from careful planning. Imagine your project as a road trip; before you hit the highway, you need a map and a destination. Define your goals, outline the steps, and anticipate potential challenges. A well-thought-out plan acts as your roadmap, guiding you through the complexities of web development. It not only saves time but also helps you avoid unexpected roadblocks, making your coding adventure a smoother and more enjoyable one.

2. Keep It Simple and Friendly:

Simplicity is key in web development. Think of your code as a conversation with a friend – it should be clear and straightforward. Avoid overcomplicating things; complex code can lead to confusion. Adding comments to your code is like leaving helpful notes for others who might join the conversation later. It enhances collaboration and ensures that everyone understands your code, just like explaining your thoughts to a friend would.

3. Small Steps, Big Wins:

Breaking down your web development project into manageable chunks is akin to solving a puzzle piece by piece. Rather than attempting to construct the entire website in one go, focus on incremental progress. This approach minimizes errors and allows for adaptability as you can fine-tune your project without starting over. It's the secret to making steady and successful strides in your web development journey.

Eg: Generally, The Header section will contain your navbar and logo, the Footer section your social links and the body can be divided again into many other sections depending upon functionality.

4. Make Sure It Looks Good Everywhere:

In today's digital landscape, your website should be like a versatile outfit that looks great on any occasion. Ensure cross-platform compatibility by testing your site on various devices and screens. This practice guarantees that users have a consistent and delightful experience, whether they access your site from a smartphone, tablet, or desktop computer.

5. Connect with the Social Crowd:

Think of your website as a friendly gathering where conversations and connections happen. By linking your website to your social media accounts, you open doors to a broader audience. Sharing content and engaging with your community across platforms is like hosting a digital party. It amplifies your reach and allows you to connect with your audience on multiple fronts, making your online presence more vibrant and interactive.

6. Make It Look and Feel Awesome:

Designing your website is akin to creating a welcoming and inviting space, just like decorating your home. Prioritize user experience, accessibility, and functionality. Regularly updating your website is like fine-tuning an instrument to maintain its peak performance. Involve others to gather feedback and fine-tune your website's appearance and usability. An impressive user interface not only captivates visitors but also encourages them to explore and engage with your site.


a) Your website should have a consistent navigation bar across all pages, making it easy for users to navigate through your site.

b) Elements like the firm logo, contact information, and registration options should be placed strategically for easy visibility.

7. Test, Test, Test:

Testing is the quality check of web development, much like proofreading before submitting an essay. Ensure thorough testing to identify and rectify any glitches or bugs. A meticulously tested web application leads to a smoother user experience, increased satisfaction, and overall project success.

8. Keep Your Code Neat and Tidy:

HTML, CSS and JavaScript are your trusty tools for building a web masterpiece. Master them to maintain clean, well-organized code. Avoid mixing them in a way that confuses your fellow developers. Adopt the habit of maintaining a well-defined file structure to avoid combining HTML and CSS in a way that creates confusion or inefficient code. Maintain their respective codes in separate files with proper names.

Also before moving on to JavaScript and other real languages, you need to master the principles of HTML and CSS because they are utilized on the front end of every website and application.

HTML: HTML serves as the basis for webpages, which other technologies like CSS and JavaScript subsequently enhance and modify.

CSS: CSS is used to control presentation, formatting, and layout.

JavaScript: is used to control the behaviour of specific elements.

9. Learning a Version Control System (VCS):

Version Control System or VCS such as Git is pivotal in web development. Git is the most popular version control your code. It tracks changes, lets you work with others, and helps you fix mistakes, ensuring your web development projects stay organized and reliable. The changes made to your code over time are recorded in a special database called the repository (a folder at GitHub) and if one makes a mistake, one can easily revert to an earlier state. VCS (git) is a fundamental tool when you are participating in Hackathons and if you want to save your code at GitHub.

Staying updated with the latest web trends and technologies is like staying ahead of the curve in a rapidly evolving industry, ensuring you remain competitive and innovative in your web development endeavours. Web Development has long progressed from its fundamentals of HTML, CSS and JS. React.js then Next.js are a few of the new tools that take web dev experience to great heights.


By embracing these friendly best practices, you're on the path to creating high-quality web applications that deliver exceptional user experiences and help you reach your goals. Let me give you a quick recap of the "Best Practices" discussed above

  1. Planning

  2. Simplicity

  3. Incremental Progress

  4. Cross Platform Compatibility

  5. Linking Socials

  6. UI/UX

  7. Testing

  8. Defined File Structure

  9. VCS (git)

  10. Evolving

And remember, stay curious, keep learning, and stay ahead in the exciting world of web development!

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See you all very soon.